Morning Green Smoothie for Beginners with Wakame

Recipe Details

Preparation Time :5 min Nutrition :High fibre content, contains antioxidants, wakes up digestion, powerhouse of nutrients, gives you energy boost

This is a great choice if you are a smoothie beginner. It is super easy to make and it tastes delicious.

It’s more beneficial to have a smoothie on empty stomach, so all the vitamins and nutrients could be easily absorbed.


  • 1 banana
  • 0,5 of large cucumber or 1 small
  • handful of baby spinach
  • 1 teaspoon of our Wakame seaweed flakes
  • water 50ml (optional)


  1. Just process all ingredients together in blender. If you want a little bit more liquid consistency of your smoothie, just add 50 ml of water.